10 février 2025
4 novembre 2022
L’École d’architecture de l’Université Laval vous convie à la conférence intitulée Louis Kahn and the « Thoughtful Making of Spaces » de William Whitaker, directeur des archives architecturales à l’Université de Pennsylvanie (Philadelphie). La conférence aura lieu ce lundi 7 novembre 2022 à 16h00 au local 1204.
Cet événement est ouvert au public!
* Suite à des circonstances hors de notre contrôle, M. Whitaker présentera sa conférence via ZOOM. Nous vous invitons tout de même à vous rassembler au local 1204 pour y assister et participer à la discussion. Ceux qui désirent suivre la conférence en ligne peuvent le faire directement par ce lien.
William Whitaker is curator of the Architectural Archives at the University of Pennsylvania Stuart Weitzman School of Design. He is coauthor (with George Marcus) of The Houses of Louis Kahn and most recently, Uncrating the Japanese House: Junzo Yoshimura, Antonin and Noemi Raymond, and George Nakashima (with Yuka Yokoyama). Trained as an architect at Penn and the University of New Mexico, Whitaker works most closely with the archival collections of Louis I. Kahn, Lawrence Halprin, and the partnership of Robert Venturi and Denise Scott Brown, in support of teaching, scholarship, preservation, and public engagement.
He has co-curated over forty exhibitions including Experiments in Environment: The Halprin Workshops, 1966-71 (Graham Foundation), Anne Tyng: Inhabiting Geometry (Graham Foundation and Penn’s ICA), and, most recently, Design With Nature Now (with the McHarg Center) – a major program of exhibitions, conference, and public programs that highlight the dynamic and visionary approaches to landscape design and development in the face of climate change and global urbanization. He is project director for, What Minerva Built, an exhibition project focused charting the life and work of America’s first independent female architect, Minerva Parker Nichols.
(crédit photo : Barrett Doherty)