12 mars 2025
30 juin 2020
Le plus récent numéro de Contour (no.5) «When Tools Become Instruments», coéditié par le professeur Michael R. Doyle est disponible en ligne.
Ce numéro spécial de Contour présente les contributions d’une session présidée par Michael R. Doyle (U. Laval) et Diana Alvarez-Marin (ETH Zurich) dans le cadre du colloque Scaffolds organisé par le laboratoire ALICE à l’EPF Lausanne et tenu à Bruxelles en 2018.
There is something about invention in architecture and art that cannot be properly willed, cannot be reduced to a minimum effort for a maximum effect. Almost counter-intuitively, it is through repeated practice that something that was not possible suddenly becomes so. Whether it is addressed in education, practice or research, this poses a particular challenge, because it seems to preclude recourse to any single normative and prescriptive design methodology or pedagogy. If future architects and artists are no longer simply to emulate unquestionably the ‘geniuses’, how can educators, practitioners or researchers work with the technics available today not as tools to be learned, but as instruments with which one cultivates, through repeated practice, a literacy or a mastership?